1. The Club shall be called Louth & District Model Aero Club (LADMAC) and is affiliated to the British Model Flying Association (BMFA)..
2. The Clubs principal aim shall be the promotion of safe and responsible model aircraft flying.
3. All Members are required to comply with LADMAC Club Rules. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action or cancellation of membership in the event of serious breaches.
4. LADMAC Members must also be members of the BMFA and be able to provide evidence of insurance upon request. The only exception to this is for those Members who don’t operate model aircraft, i.e. Social Members
5. When there is a joint meeting between LADMAC and another Club the participating Club must be able to provide evidence of adequate insurance cover well in advance of the Event.
6. Members may invite guest flyers to the site but they must be BMFA insured. The LADMAC Member must assume responsibility for the actions and safety of their Guest. Guests must fly under the supervision of instructors if their ability requires it, in such instances a Committee Member should be made aware of arrangements in advance of the visit. Maximum 3 Guest visits per year.
7. A ‘Member’ is defined as any class of membership.
8. A Member may be made a Life Member for extensive services to the Club. Life Members can only be created by a majority ballot of Club members at a General Meeting.
9. The Committee has the right to refuse membership of new applicants.
10. New Members will be required to serve an initial probationary period of 6 months and may have their membership terminated at the discretion of the Committee for unsatisfactory conduct.
11. All applications for Membership must be accompanied by a signed LADMAC Application Form
12. Any Member whos subscriptions has lapsed for more than one year will be required to re-apply for Membership following the procedure set out for New Members
13. All field safety rules and regulations will be reviewed annually, and will be considered binding for 12 months, excepting where urgent action is required. This action must then be ratified by the Committee, at the next Club meeting, or at a General Meeting. The field safety rules are considered as a supplementary code to those laid out by the BMFA’s Members Handbook, compliance with which is mandatory within LADMAC.
14. Any complaint concerning any Member must be made in writing to The Secretary so that the matter can be addressed at the next Committee Meeting.
15. The Committee may impose a flying suspension for a defined period at their discretion against any Member in the event of misconduct. Any suspension must be accompanied by a verbal and/or written warning as deemed appropriate in accordance with Article 17.
16. The Secretary must be informed of any negotiations or communications between Committee or Club Members and other parties regarding any matters that affect the Club. Prior permission should be sought from The Secretary and copies of any written correspondence must be submitted for club records.
17. The Committee may consider removal from the Roll of Members any Member whose conduct on the field, or elsewhere, is considered to be prejudicial to the Club. Dismissal will be in accordance with the following procedure:
a. In most cases the Member would be issued a verbal warning by a Committee member in which the they are made aware of the misdemeanour and advised of any corrective action required.
b. If the Member does not respond a written warning will be issued by The Secretary or Chairman to advise the Member with details of the infringement and actions required to remedy the situation
c. If the Member fails to respond the Committee will arrange a meeting with the Member to discuss the situation. The Member may be advised that withdrawal of membership is under consideration.
d. If the Member does not respond or fails to attend the meeting without reasonable cause, the Committee may advise the Member that membership has been terminated stating why this decision was reached.
e. When a Member has been advised that membership has been withdrawn he/she will be given the right to appeal. If the Member chooses to appeal this will be to the Club membership at an EGM which the Committee would arrange at a suitable time. The motion to uphold the Committees decision must be in accordance with the voting procedures set out in the for a General Meeting.
f. In the event of gross misconduct immediate dismissal without warnings may be considered but the Member must still be accorded a right of appeal in accordance with sub-paragraphs c, d and e above. In the event of dismissal the Committee will arrange for the Member’s current membership fee to be reimbursed in full.
18. Any alteration to this Constitution can only be made at a General Meeting called for the purpose. Any proposed alterations must be submitted to the Secretary in writing at least 14 days prior to the Meeting.
19. The Committee, 0fficers and Instructors, will be responsible for the running of the flying site at all times. Appointment to the position of Instructor or Examiner can only be made by the Committee.
20. The Committee of the Club shall comprise of not less than 5 Members. A quorum of any Committee meeting shall consist of a majority of Committee Members.
21. The Committee shall consist of 5 0fficers. These shall be Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, plus elected Members and lay Members as required.
22. Any Committee Member or Member who is involved in an organisational position within the Club must be over 18 years of age and hold current BMFA membership.
23. Committee Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to serve for a period of one year. The Committee will be elected by majority vote by a show of hands from eligible Members present at the meeting.
24. Members who wish to apply for a position on The Committee may nominate themselves and should be seconded by another Member at a General Meeting. In order to be clear about the requirements of the post candidates should contact The Secretary prior to submitting an application. Written applications should be sent to The Secretary no less than 6 weeks prior to an Annual General Meeting for inclusion of nominations on the Agenda. The posts of Chairman and Vice Chairman will be restricted to existing Committee Members unless there are no nominations from the current Committee
25. Should a Committee position become vacant, the Committee may co-opt a replacement who will then serve until the following Annual General Meeting. This will be by a majority vote from Committee Members.
26. Members elected to office will have full voting rights at all meetings. In the event of a tie the Chairman will have the casting vote.
27. The Committee reserve the right to carry out negotiations and make decisions in the interest of the Club or on behalf of the membership where necessary.
28. Money may only be withdrawn from the bank by debit card or cheque signed by the Chairman or Treasurer.
29. No Member of the Committee or officer of the Club may be a Committee Member or 0fficer of another Model Flying Club except in case of Instructor/Training 0fficer.
30. Any Committee Member or officer of the Club wishing to resign should do so in writing.
31. Any Committee Member who is absent from three consecutive Committee Meetings without reasonable cause will automatically forfeit their seat on the Committee.
32. The Committee may pay accounts and incur any normal liabilities on behalf of the Club. If a Committee Member engages or becomes involved in court proceedings, whether criminal or civil in his representative capacity on behalf of the Club, as opposed to his capacity as a private individual, the Club will indemnify the Committee Member in respect of any fines or damages or costs awarded against the Committee Member.
33. In the event of a Committee Member being awarded damages or costs in the course of proceedings taken by him in his representative capacity, such damages or costs will belong to the Club and not the Committee Member personally and upon receipt that Committee Member will pay them to the Club Treasurer.
34. All Meetings will have an agenda and minutes will be taken. Any Other Business will only be accepted at General Meetings if the Secretary is given at least 14 days notice in writing of the item to be discussed.
35. A quorum of any General Meeting is to be at least one quarter of the membership.
36. Voting will normally be by a show of hands.
37. All proposals must be seconded and voted upon. A majority vote is required to carry any proposal.
38. Amendments to proposals must be voted upon first.
39. The Committee, through the Chairman has the power to ask a person to leave any Meeting in the event of that person disrupting the Meeting.
40. A convenient date for the Annual General Meeting will be decided each year by the Committee. At least 28 days notice of the Meeting will be given in writing to all Club Members.
41. Annual subscriptions and the joining fee will be decided at the Annual General Meeting.
42. Subscriptions are due for payment by 1st January each year, a discount will apply for prompt payment. Any Member who has not paid the subscriptions by this date will not be permitted to fly until they have paid all due fees. BMFA Membership must be in place before flying.
43. The Secretary will convene an Extra 0rdinary Committee Meeting within 14 days on request from any Member of the Committee, stating the business to be discussed.
44. The Secretary shall convene an Extra 0rdinary General Meeting of the Club by a resolution of the Committee stating the business to be brought before the meeting, of which 28 days notice has been given to all Members in writing stating the business to be discussed.
45. The Secretary will convene an Extra 0rdinary General Meeting of the Club on receipt of a request in writing signed by not less than 25% of the Club Membership stating the business to be brought before the Meeting for which 28 days notice has been given to all Members in writing stating the business to be discussed.
46. When a request for a Meeting made in accordance with Article 44 is not called within 28 days, the requisitioners may themselves convene an Extra 0rdinary General Meeting of the Club by giving 28 days notice in writing to all Members, duly setting out the purpose for which the Meeting was called. Any resolutions passed at such a Meeting shall have the same force and effect as if they were passed at a Meeting convened by the Committee
47. Should it be considered necessary or desirable to dissolve the Club, the Committee will call an Extra 0rdinary General Meeting. Should a quorum fail to appear, the Meeting will be adjourned and a further EGM must be called. The second Meeting will proceed even if a quorum is not present and the motion will then be carried by a simple majority vote.
48. 0n dissolution and after sale of assets, settlement of all outstanding debts and the refund of subscriptions for the remaining part of the year to be paid up Members, the funds remaining will be distributed in equal shares to the Club’s Charities. (See Club’s Charities Guidelines).
49. If the final accounts are less than required to refund the subscriptions to the Members, the total money remaining will be donated to the Club’s Charities. All Members will receive a final statement of accounts.
50. To comply with the latest legislation dealing with children, under the age of 16, the following must apply:
All members or visiting guests who bring children to the flying site must at all times make sure they are under control and are not left unattended. If the next of kin are not staying, they must hand them over to a club welfare officer, plus one other adult. If this is not possible the child must be asked to leave the flying field.
Revised (Draft) Oct 2019
1. The Club shall be called Louth & District Model Aero Club (LADMAC) and is affiliated to the British Model Flying Association (BMFA)..
2. The Clubs principal aim shall be the promotion of safe and responsible model aircraft flying.
3. All Members are required to comply with LADMAC Club Rules. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action or cancellation of membership in the event of serious breaches.
4. LADMAC Members must also be members of the BMFA and be able to provide evidence of insurance upon request. The only exception to this is for those Members who don’t operate model aircraft, i.e. Social Members
5. When there is a joint meeting between LADMAC and another Club the participating Club must be able to provide evidence of adequate insurance cover well in advance of the Event.
6. Members may invite guest flyers to the site but they must be BMFA insured. The LADMAC Member must assume responsibility for the actions and safety of their Guest. Guests must fly under the supervision of instructors if their ability requires it, in such instances a Committee Member should be made aware of arrangements in advance of the visit. Maximum 3 Guest visits per year.
7. A ‘Member’ is defined as any class of membership.
8. A Member may be made a Life Member for extensive services to the Club. Life Members can only be created by a majority ballot of Club members at a General Meeting.
9. The Committee has the right to refuse membership of new applicants.
10. New Members will be required to serve an initial probationary period of 6 months and may have their membership terminated at the discretion of the Committee for unsatisfactory conduct.
11. All applications for Membership must be accompanied by a signed LADMAC Application Form
12. Any Member whos subscriptions has lapsed for more than one year will be required to re-apply for Membership following the procedure set out for New Members
13. All field safety rules and regulations will be reviewed annually, and will be considered binding for 12 months, excepting where urgent action is required. This action must then be ratified by the Committee, at the next Club meeting, or at a General Meeting. The field safety rules are considered as a supplementary code to those laid out by the BMFA’s Members Handbook, compliance with which is mandatory within LADMAC.
14. Any complaint concerning any Member must be made in writing to The Secretary so that the matter can be addressed at the next Committee Meeting.
15. The Committee may impose a flying suspension for a defined period at their discretion against any Member in the event of misconduct. Any suspension must be accompanied by a verbal and/or written warning as deemed appropriate in accordance with Article 17.
16. The Secretary must be informed of any negotiations or communications between Committee or Club Members and other parties regarding any matters that affect the Club. Prior permission should be sought from The Secretary and copies of any written correspondence must be submitted for club records.
17. The Committee may consider removal from the Roll of Members any Member whose conduct on the field, or elsewhere, is considered to be prejudicial to the Club. Dismissal will be in accordance with the following procedure:
a. In most cases the Member would be issued a verbal warning by a Committee member in which the they are made aware of the misdemeanour and advised of any corrective action required.
b. If the Member does not respond a written warning will be issued by The Secretary or Chairman to advise the Member with details of the infringement and actions required to remedy the situation
c. If the Member fails to respond the Committee will arrange a meeting with the Member to discuss the situation. The Member may be advised that withdrawal of membership is under consideration.
d. If the Member does not respond or fails to attend the meeting without reasonable cause, the Committee may advise the Member that membership has been terminated stating why this decision was reached.
e. When a Member has been advised that membership has been withdrawn he/she will be given the right to appeal. If the Member chooses to appeal this will be to the Club membership at an EGM which the Committee would arrange at a suitable time. The motion to uphold the Committees decision must be in accordance with the voting procedures set out in the for a General Meeting.
f. In the event of gross misconduct immediate dismissal without warnings may be considered but the Member must still be accorded a right of appeal in accordance with sub-paragraphs c, d and e above. In the event of dismissal the Committee will arrange for the Member’s current membership fee to be reimbursed in full.
18. Any alteration to this Constitution can only be made at a General Meeting called for the purpose. Any proposed alterations must be submitted to the Secretary in writing at least 14 days prior to the Meeting.
19. The Committee, 0fficers and Instructors, will be responsible for the running of the flying site at all times. Appointment to the position of Instructor or Examiner can only be made by the Committee.
20. The Committee of the Club shall comprise of not less than 5 Members. A quorum of any Committee meeting shall consist of a majority of Committee Members.
21. The Committee shall consist of 5 0fficers. These shall be Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, plus elected Members and lay Members as required.
22. Any Committee Member or Member who is involved in an organisational position within the Club must be over 18 years of age and hold current BMFA membership.
23. Committee Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to serve for a period of one year. The Committee will be elected by majority vote by a show of hands from eligible Members present at the meeting.
24. Members who wish to apply for a position on The Committee may nominate themselves and should be seconded by another Member at a General Meeting. In order to be clear about the requirements of the post candidates should contact The Secretary prior to submitting an application. Written applications should be sent to The Secretary no less than 6 weeks prior to an Annual General Meeting for inclusion of nominations on the Agenda. The posts of Chairman and Vice Chairman will be restricted to existing Committee Members unless there are no nominations from the current Committee
25. Should a Committee position become vacant, the Committee may co-opt a replacement who will then serve until the following Annual General Meeting. This will be by a majority vote from Committee Members.
26. Members elected to office will have full voting rights at all meetings. In the event of a tie the Chairman will have the casting vote.
27. The Committee reserve the right to carry out negotiations and make decisions in the interest of the Club or on behalf of the membership where necessary.
28. Money may only be withdrawn from the bank by debit card or cheque signed by the Chairman or Treasurer.
29. No Member of the Committee or officer of the Club may be a Committee Member or 0fficer of another Model Flying Club except in case of Instructor/Training 0fficer.
30. Any Committee Member or officer of the Club wishing to resign should do so in writing.
31. Any Committee Member who is absent from three consecutive Committee Meetings without reasonable cause will automatically forfeit their seat on the Committee.
32. The Committee may pay accounts and incur any normal liabilities on behalf of the Club. If a Committee Member engages or becomes involved in court proceedings, whether criminal or civil in his representative capacity on behalf of the Club, as opposed to his capacity as a private individual, the Club will indemnify the Committee Member in respect of any fines or damages or costs awarded against the Committee Member.
33. In the event of a Committee Member being awarded damages or costs in the course of proceedings taken by him in his representative capacity, such damages or costs will belong to the Club and not the Committee Member personally and upon receipt that Committee Member will pay them to the Club Treasurer.
34. All Meetings will have an agenda and minutes will be taken. Any Other Business will only be accepted at General Meetings if the Secretary is given at least 14 days notice in writing of the item to be discussed.
35. A quorum of any General Meeting is to be at least one quarter of the membership.
36. Voting will normally be by a show of hands.
37. All proposals must be seconded and voted upon. A majority vote is required to carry any proposal.
38. Amendments to proposals must be voted upon first.
39. The Committee, through the Chairman has the power to ask a person to leave any Meeting in the event of that person disrupting the Meeting.
40. A convenient date for the Annual General Meeting will be decided each year by the Committee. At least 28 days notice of the Meeting will be given in writing to all Club Members.
41. Annual subscriptions and the joining fee will be decided at the Annual General Meeting.
42. Subscriptions are due for payment by 1st January each year, a discount will apply for prompt payment. Any Member who has not paid the subscriptions by this date will not be permitted to fly until they have paid all due fees. BMFA Membership must be in place before flying.
43. The Secretary will convene an Extra 0rdinary Committee Meeting within 14 days on request from any Member of the Committee, stating the business to be discussed.
44. The Secretary shall convene an Extra 0rdinary General Meeting of the Club by a resolution of the Committee stating the business to be brought before the meeting, of which 28 days notice has been given to all Members in writing stating the business to be discussed.
45. The Secretary will convene an Extra 0rdinary General Meeting of the Club on receipt of a request in writing signed by not less than 25% of the Club Membership stating the business to be brought before the Meeting for which 28 days notice has been given to all Members in writing stating the business to be discussed.
46. When a request for a Meeting made in accordance with Article 44 is not called within 28 days, the requisitioners may themselves convene an Extra 0rdinary General Meeting of the Club by giving 28 days notice in writing to all Members, duly setting out the purpose for which the Meeting was called. Any resolutions passed at such a Meeting shall have the same force and effect as if they were passed at a Meeting convened by the Committee
47. Should it be considered necessary or desirable to dissolve the Club, the Committee will call an Extra 0rdinary General Meeting. Should a quorum fail to appear, the Meeting will be adjourned and a further EGM must be called. The second Meeting will proceed even if a quorum is not present and the motion will then be carried by a simple majority vote.
48. 0n dissolution and after sale of assets, settlement of all outstanding debts and the refund of subscriptions for the remaining part of the year to be paid up Members, the funds remaining will be distributed in equal shares to the Club’s Charities. (See Club’s Charities Guidelines).
49. If the final accounts are less than required to refund the subscriptions to the Members, the total money remaining will be donated to the Club’s Charities. All Members will receive a final statement of accounts.
50. To comply with the latest legislation dealing with children, under the age of 16, the following must apply:
All members or visiting guests who bring children to the flying site must at all times make sure they are under control and are not left unattended. If the next of kin are not staying, they must hand them over to a club welfare officer, plus one other adult. If this is not possible the child must be asked to leave the flying field.
Revised (Draft) Oct 2019